MissioKids uses The Gospel Project for Kids, a Christ-centered curriculum that we use to teach chronologically through the entire Bible in three years, showing how Christ is the central figure of God’s word and plan. MissioKids is starting over in Genesis with the latest curriculum in November. 

Our desire is to resource parents with tools in order to help them engage with their children about the weekly lesson. The curriculum now has an easy to use, digital component called The Gospel Project At Home. This resource complements the curriculum we are using on Sunday mornings and we want to encourage all parents to check it out. Each week, you will be provided with a lesson overview, suggestions for Family Worship, Family Prayer, and a Family Activity. 

To access this resource, you’ll need to subscribe to parent email below. Each Sunday, an email will go out covering what we learned in MissioKids along with a link for the At Home resources.